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Relaxing Meditations, Card Readings, and Messages For You

April 15 - May 29, 2020

Find Them All On My Youtube Channel:

You can make heart donations and love offerings to me through e-transfers using my e-mail: 

Powerful Angelic Goddesses Share Heavenly Messages and Their Divine Energies With You

Sept. 30, 2021

We connected with the powerful angelic goddesses with their sacred feminine energies. Kali reminded you the old must be released to make room for the new. Pele guided you to follow your passion. Cordelia invited you to go outside and connect with nature’s energies. Lakshmi assured you of an even brighter future. Nemetona suggested you make a sacred place for yourself and to accept your own sacredness. Finally, White Tara spoke of your gift of sensitivity and asked you to embrace it.

Keep On Growing and Blossoming Like Trees That Have Been Planted Right Where You Are

Sept. 27, 2021

We focused on trees that were just planted and imagined how much more they’re going to grow. We realized that we are those trees and we are continuing to grow into our fullest potential, getting stronger, more adaptable and more resilient every day.

Enjoying the Sunset and Welcoming the New Fall Season

Sept. 24, 2021

We enjoyed the sun setting on the summer, thanking it for all the wonderful experiences it brought us as we focused on the present and welcoming in the new season of fall with open arms embracing all the divine experiences to come.

The Season of Growing and Releasing

Sept. 23, 2021

We embraced the new season and focused on letting go of everything that no longer serves us. We became like the trees, shedding out old leaves growing stronger and more resourceful and more LOVING.

Trusting Your Dreams Are On the Way

Sept. 22, 2021

We looked up at the half moon recognizing and accepting that our dreams are nearing completion, just like the moon.

Signs From the Divine

Sept. 21, 2021

The divine angels spoke loving messages reminding us that they are all always with us, that if we’re meant to see those signs we will, and to always know we’re always loved and supported no matter what. Then, cleansing water started pouring down on us confirming they truly are with us.

Recognizing the Positive Differences You’ve Made In So Many People’s Lives

Sept. 20, 2021

The guides and angels wanted me to recognize the difference you’ve all made throughout your life. They wanted me to mention what a rewarding weekend I had at the healing fair and how many lives I helped in order to help you all acknowledge all the positive influences you’ve made on countless people in your life.

Walking In Gratitude and Releasing All Attachments

Sept. 17, 2021

We walked in nature and practiced being in gratitude and letting go of attachments, recognizing behind attachments are fears of losing those people and things. So, we did our best to be the presence of unconditional love and acceptance without attachments.

Aligning With the LOVING Light You Are

Sept. 16, 2021

I was outside with the bright sun shining on me from above and begins me. So focus on that sunlight and enjoy receiving the healing LOVING light shining on you.

Letting Go of Stress and Fears As The New School Year Begins For Children and Parents

Sept. 15, 2021

I was guided to speak on kids returning back to school and it’s affect on parents. The parents were led through a de-stressing meditation in which their loving angels came and took away all their fears and concerns over their children from them in return for reassurance knowing their kids are divinely taken care of and that this is their time now to focus on their own growth and development. The kids were led through a relaxing meditation in which they also let go of any insecurities and concerns over the new year as they gave it to their loving angels in return for confidence-building encouragement that this will be their most successful year ever.

Letting Your Inner Child Come Out and Have Fun Playing At the Park

Sept. 14, 2021

We were at the park and allowed our inner child to come out and play. We enjoyed playing on the swings, slides, and monkey bars as we enjoyed ourselves letting loose as were invigorating with you fly life-giving fun-filled energies.

Preparing For the New Season to Come

Sept. 13, 2021

We were outside in nature connecting with the natural elements and being reminded that we will always be supported with everything we need by mother nature and Creator, and that we have everything we need within us as well. Just like nature is resourceful, adapts, and perseveres, so do we.

Divine Messages of Change As We Welcome In the New Month of September 

 September 10, 2021

We connected with the divine butterflies. They brought us messages inspiring us to continue to grow gracefully acknowledging how blessed we are with the gift of life everyday and everything that goes along with those gifts of each new day. They also guided us to to embrace the newness of the month as we get ready to start a new school year, a new season, a new way of being, and even new career opportunities. Finally, the butterflies brought us a message encouraging us to keep moving forward towards our goals and to let the winds of change move us to exactly where we’re meant to be.

Angel Messages For The Second Week of September 2021

Sept. 9, 2021

​We connected with our angels as they brought forth divine messages for us. First, the angel Rosetta acknowledged that we gave a gift for connecting with young people and that we are to embrace our inner child to have more fun, adventure, and enjoyment. The , angel Shanti them brought us a message of peace and infused us with her peaceful energies.

Finding New Pathways and Enjoying Every Moment Along the Way

Sept. 8, 2021

We find a new path and enjoy going in a new direction being grateful for so the many blessings and divine messages along the way.

Embrace All of Your Magnificence and Keep Shining Brightly

Sept. 7, 2021

I was guided to speak on how you are one of a kind, you are gifted, and to embrace and share yourself and your gifts with this world for the highest good of all.

Celebrating the New Moon Giving Thanks For Our Blessings and Those to Come

Sept. 6, 2021

We looked up at the sky and saw the light behind the clouds as we took time to receive the empowering new moon energies in the air. We dreamed our biggest dreams, giving thanks for our current blessings and knowing and expressing our appreciation for even greater blessings to come.

Balancing Your Energy Centres Through Using Colours

Sept. 6, 2021

I speak about your energy centres and how you can help balance them by visualizing, wearing, and eating the associated colours.

Finding New Pathways and Enjoying Every Moment Along the Way

Sept. 3, 2021

We find a new path and enjoy going in a new direction being grateful for so the many blessings and divine messages along the way.

Embrace All of Your Magnificence and Keep Shining Brightly

Sept. 2, 2021

I was guided to speak on how you are one of a kind, you are gifted, and to embrace and share yourself and your gifts with this world for the highest good of all. nd Keep Shining Brightly

Balancing Your Energy Centres Through Using Colours

Sept. 1, 2021

I spoke about your energy centres and how you can help balance them by visualizing, wearing, and eating the associated colours.

Giving Thanks To All Our Loved Ones Who’ve Crossed Over

Aug. 31, 2021

I spoke about it being the three-year anniversary of my late spiritual teacher, Caroline, crossing over to the soul world. Then, I opened up and channeled healing empowering messages from our beloved ancestors and all those who’ve gone on before us. We welcomed in the transformative silver violet flame of St. Germain and released any residual heavy energies and then received healing empowering loving energies from our beloved as we gave thanks.

Stretch Out and Release

Aug. 30, 2021

I was guided to lead everyone through a stretching and releasing meditation in which we went into our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual body, collected any heavy energies within our bodies and then opened up and spread out to let go of them. Please try it for yourself and enjoy how healing this can be for you.

Stretch Out and Release Any Heavy Energies As You Make Room For Lighter Invigorating Energies

Aug. 27, 2021

I channeled the angels. They brought forth messages encouraging us to stretch and move around our physical bodies to loosen up and release heavy, stagnant energies. Then, they guided us to let new, lighter uplifting energies to come in and give us new life. 

Keep Smiling Making the Most of Every Moment and Being Grateful

Aug. 26, 2021

I channeled divine messages reminding us to appreciate all our countless and immeasurable gifts we have in our lives, and to make the most of every moment.

Angel Therapy

Aug. 25, 2021

​We connected with our angelic support system as the angels brought forth powerful messages for us. They included attending workshops and seminars to learn, blossom, and meet new uplifting people, to trust yourself and the messages you receive, to open up to all your spiritual gifts, to use your divine power centre to light your path and transmute any obstacle, and to visualize success knowing it’s on the way.

Magical Uplifting Messages From the Unicorns

Aug. 24, 2021

We take time to connect with the magical loving unicorns. They brought forth encouraging messages for us to make sure to laugh and find the lighter side of life, to ask for and make new supportive friends, and to make peace with your parents and how you were raised as you accept that they lived you as best they could abs helped you learn whatever lessons you were meant to learn.

Releasing to the Full Moon Making Room For the New

Aug. 23, 2021

We took time looking up at the full moon and releasing what was no longer serving us, making for new, uplifting invigorating energies to come in, knowing the best is yet to come.

Soaking Up the Warmth of the Sun

Aug. 20, 2021

We took time to be outside and soaked up the warmth of the sun as it radiated its LOVING light on all of us, warming us up from the inside out.

We Are Children of the Light

Aug. 19, 2021

Join me in a relaxing channeled meditation in nature as we enjoy and listen to the beautiful sounds and messages of the angelic birds and crickets all around us.

What Would LOVE Do?

Aug. 18, 2021

I started on a walk through the rain enjoying nature. Then, I was guided to speak on the magical question that will always give you the answers and guidance you need for your highest good and the good of all; What would love do?

Following Your Life Path Wherever It May Lead Trusting Your Journey

Aug. 17, 2021

We took a new path not knowing where it would lead, but trusting the process knowing like our life path, it’ll lead us exactly where we’re meant to be and we can enjoy every step of the way. We walked over rocks knowing they were stepping stones, enjoyed the trees blossoming like is, climbed higher and higher, until we reached the top.

Awakening to the Powerful Thunderous Energy Inside You

Aug. 16, 2021

​We looked up at the sky and listened to the thunder as it rolled through and reminded us of our inner strength and power that we possess within us to accomplish all our biggest goals.

Short Revitalizing Walk

Aug. 13, 2021

I was guided to go on a walk focusing on enjoying the present moment. Enjoy the relaxing walk as well.

Thunderous Enlightening Energy In the Air Tonight

Aug. 12, 2021

We listened to the powerful thunder and let it awaken our inner strength. We also saw the enlightening lightening as it lit up our inner fire to help us move forward with courage and faith. We also felt the wind and received an influx of new, positive energy coming into our lives.

Following Your Life Path Wherever It May Lead Trusting Your Journey

Aug. 11, 2021

We took a new path not knowing where it would lead, but trusting the process knowing like our life path, it’ll lead us exactly where we’re meant to be and we can enjoy every step of the way. We walked over rocks knowing they were stepping stones, enjoyed the trees blossoming like is, climbed higher and higher, until we reached the top.

Giving Thanks On This New Moon For Our Blessings Now and For More to Come

Aug. 10, 2021

We wished upon the stars and the new moon and gave thanks to God for ensuring our greatest dreams and even greater ones than we can possibly imagine will come to pass.

Angelic Messages From the Powerful Archangels Reminding You of Your Power

Aug. 5, 2021

​We connected with the powerful archangels. They brought us uplifting, encouraging messages that it is safe for us to take our power back, to open up to our limitless gifts and energies within, and to be compassionate with ourselves and others. They assured us we can and will take a leap of faith as we embrace our compassion and inner strength to spread our spiritual wings and fly highest and freest.

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