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Relaxing Meditations, Card Readings, and Messages For You

December 2020-January 2021

Find Them All On My Youtube Channel:

You can make heart donations and love offerings to me through e-transfers using my e-mail: 

Being Grateful For the Full Moon and the Breath of Life

Nov. 30, 2020

We looked up and gave thanks to the full moon as we released whatever no longer served us. We allowed ourselves to feel complete. We were also reminded we’re full of light, just like the moon, and that our dreams can and will come true.

Connecting With the Fairies

Nov. 27, 2020

We connected with the fairies. The nature spirits brought us messages reminding us to let go so we can relax and receive, to reap wonderful harvests of abundance this season of fall, to trust we are being healed deeply, and that a new season of light is on the way and to be happy and appreciative now.

Animal Guides Bring Us Powerful Messages

Nov. 26, 2020

We connected with our animal spirit guides. The raven reminded us we are powerful creators of magic. The elk asked us to celebrate our accomplishments as we are crowned for success. The grizzly bear assured us we are powerful and indestructible. The horse pointed towards our freedom, stamina, and strength to achieve our dreams. Finally, the lynx asked us to take time for ourselves and trust our inner knowings.

Breathing Peace, Love and Light

Nov. 25, 2020

We focused on our breathing. We breathed in peace, love and light, and then released any other heavy energies. Then we breathed in more peace, love and light, became one with it, and sent that peace, love and light back out.

More Divine Messages From Your Angels

Nov. 24, 2020

Click this text to start editing. This video and text block is great for descriptions about We connected with our angels. They assured us that we are receiving trustworthy guidance, reminded us to notice the signs, to get more fresh air, assured us there’s nothing to worry about, encouraged us to have faith and confidence in ourselves and the Creator, and to spend time in water and to drink more of it. your business, products or services. Double-click the image on the right to change it.

Beautiful Messages From Your Angels

Nov. 23, 2020

We focused on a beautiful angelic display with divine hands sending healing light, Reiki and Shamballa multi-dimensional healing energy, to the viewer and listener. Please take your time to receive this miraculous and revitalizing energy.

Divine Healing Session For You - Receive

Nov. 20, 2020

We focused on a beautiful angelic display with divine hands sending healing light, Reiki and Shamballa multi-dimensional healing energy, to the viewer and listener. Please take your time to receive this miraculous and revitalizing energy.

Chanting Through Our Energy Centres to Empower and Balance Them

Nov. 19, 2020

We focused on each of our major energy centres and chanted each of their corresponding sounds ten times to help empower and balance them.

Om Mani Padme Hum

Nov. 18, 2020

I was guided to chant the mantra, “On Mani Padme Hum.” Please chant along to help you relax and access higher levels of consciousness.

Letting the Winds of Change Blow Away Old Heavy Energy and Make Way For New Invigorating Energy

Nov. 17, 2020

Click this text to start editing. This video and text block is great for descriptions about your business, products or services. Double-click the image on the right to change it.

Feeling Gratitude and Happiness Now During the New Moon

Nov. 16, 2020

Allow yourself to feel happiness and gratitude now as we let our imagination and dreams run wild knowing even more happiness and joy are to come.

Enjoy Your Day in the Sun

Nov. 13, 2020

It was a beautiful sunny day in mid-November. So please enjoy this time basking and being rejuvenated in the sun.

Giving Yourself A Great Big Hug

Nov. 12, 2020

​Please join me in giving yourselves a great big hug and allowing yourself to be filled up with love and light, recognizing you are special and worthy.

Tour of My Reiki and Meditation Room; I’m Here to Help

Nov. 11, 2020

I was guided to make a video showing you what my Reiki and meditation room like like and everything I offer. Please enjoy and I look forward to meeting with you soon.

Speaking About Trusting Yourself and Overcoming Your Fears

Nov. 10, 2020

Please take your time watching and meditating on this video of me speaking about how accurate angel cards are, how they are feedback about what you already know to be true, and how important and rewarding it is to face your fears and overcome them so you can allow your dreams to come true.

Halo of Healing Energy Around the Moon Shining Down On Us

Nov. 9, 2020

Click this text to start editing. This video and text block is great for descriptions about your business, products or services. Double-click the image on the right to change it.

Angel Messages

Nov. 6, 2020

We connected with the angels. They brought us messages to be happy and free like a child, to surrender to peace, to focus on that peace, to know our prayers are heard and answered, to know that our dreams can and will come true, to forgive ourselves and others, and to give thanks for our blessings we have and will continue to be blessed with.

The Saints, Our Angels and Our Ancestors Bring Us Messages of Hope and Reassurance

Nov. 5, 2020

It was just All Saints Day and All Souls Day. So, we connected with the saints and angels to see who was watching over us and working with us. St. Joan of Arc came forward to assure us that we are leaders and to ask us to continue to lead by example. Our guardian angel then brought us messages to be joyful like a child, to be grateful for our blessings of abundance now and for the blessings to come, and to continue to manage our stress and learn to fly free. Then, to honour those who’ve gone on before us, we connected with our ancestors and they brought us messages that they give us a goodnight kiss, and to remember them by the happy memories you created with them.

Giving Gratitude For the Light From the Full Moon

Nov. 4, 2020

We stared up at the full moon and gave thanks for all the light it brings and for all the lessons and successes we’ve had over the last month.

Enjoying the First Snowfall and the Divine Energy It Brings

Nov. 3, 2020

It was snowing for the first time this year. So we took time to go outside, walk through the fallen snow and enjoy the sprinkling of angel dust all around us.

Taking Time to Thank Our Bodies and All They Do For Us, As Well As Our Support System All Around Us

Nov. 2, 2020

We took time to thank our bodies and our internal systems and all they do for us. We also took time to acknowledge our guides and angels and show appreciation for our entire support system within us and all around us.

More Divine Messages From the Archangels

Nov. 30, 2020

I was guided to work with the Archangels again. Archangel Raphael encouraged us to maintain a healthy lifestyle, Archangel Sandolphon guided us to be more gentle with ourselves, Archangel Chamuel lent us help with our relationships, and Archangel Azrael reminded us we our gifted natural healers and have God-given abilities to help others.

Balancing Your Energy Centers With the Angels

Oct. 29, 2020

I was guided to work with the angels to help balance our energy centres. So please enjoy this angelic chakra balancing.

Archangel Metatron Brings Us Reassuring Messages

Oct. 28, 2020

We called upon Archangel Metatron to join us. He brought us messages encouraging us that we can face and overcome our fears and we can start today with his help. He assured us we will be rewarded with our day in the sun as a new brighter day dawns on us. He also reiterated how powerful and magical we are, and asked us to take time to review how far we’ve already come and how much more we’ll accomplish in the future.

Powerful Messages From the Archangels

Oct. 27, 2020

We focused on a beautiful angelic display. Then we called on the Archangels to join us. Archangel Michael brought forward a message reminding us to release the past, allowing ourselves to heal from it and grow from it. Then Archangel Raphael brought us a message asking us to stay open-hearted, gentle and loving, reassuring us of our intuitive insights. Finally, Archangel Gabriel proclaimed it’s time for us to celebrate as abundant rewards are coming for all our hard work trying to better ourselves.

Enjoying the First Snowfall and the Divine Energy it Brings

Oct. 26, 2020

It was snowing for the first time this year. So we took time to go outside, walk through the fallen snow and enjoy the sprinkling of angel dust all around us.

Letting Go of Attachments Like the Trees Let Go of Leaves and Being Revitalized By the Healing Rain

Oct. 23, 2020

It rained all night and all day. So I was guided to go outside and enjoy the healing energy of the rain. We focused on the fallen leaves and released any attachments and anything no longer serving us. Then we let that healing energy of rain purify us and make us whole again.

Releasing Fears of Lack to the Angels of Abundance

Oct. 22, 2020

I was guided to work with the angels of abundance to help us release fears of lack. Beautiful beings of angelic light came before us, infused us with healing, reassuring energy and brought us supportive messages. They guided us to sever any vows of poverty and to stop putting others ahead of us so we realize our true worth and stop self-sacrificing ourselves. They also suggested we let go of any friends who no longer support our highest good trusting that they’ll be replaced with empowering and beneficial new friends. The angels guided us to move past our fears and take a divinely-guided chance knowing everything will work out in Divine Order. Finally, they inspired us to face and overcome our financial fears and replace them with self-assuredness knowing we’ll always be supported and taken care of by the Creator.

Tapping Into the Energy of the Magical Unicorns

Oct. 20, 2020

I was guided to connect with the magical unicorns. We visualized them appearing before us and they encouraged us to keep taking one step at a time because each little step helps to make our biggest dreams come true. They also guided us to be true to ourselves and to be our true selves. The unicorns then reminded us we’re all gifted and special in our own way and to share those gifts. The magical creatures then sent us healing, loving energy from our parents and loved ones as we made peace with all of them. Finally, they assured us the answer to any dream or goal we have is yes; they can and will come true as we can achieve anything.

Making Dreams Come True With the New Moon

Oct. 19, 2020

It was new moon time. So we visualized looking up at the new moon and dreaming on the moon and twinkling stars. The dream angels brought us messages about bathing in and drinking purifying and revitalizing water, seeing the colour white and receiving it’s divine healing energy of enlightenment, and reminded us selenite can help stimulate and activate our spiritual growth. The angels also encouraged us to plant new seeds in the form of actions towards our goals trusting we’ll soon reap countless benefits, and inspired us to reach for our dreams fully and completely trusting in their eventual competition.

Keep Growing and Standing Tall Like the Trees

Oct. 17, 2020

I was guided to connect with the trees. So we focused on them, how tall they are, how wise the are, and how much they have to offer. We opened up to receive messages from them. The yew reminded us to use our roots, reach out and keep growing, linden guided us to rise about everything and stay grounded in who we are, and the cedar of Lebanon suggested we keep shining our inner light for everyone to see and enjoy.

Affirmations With the Angels

Oct. 13, 2020

We connected with the angels who brought us affirmations to use. The first one was reciprocity. “I thrive in a beautiful balance of giving and receiving.” The second one was passageway. “I am open to new opportunities and possibilities.” Thirdly was awakening. “I open my heart and soul to awaken to the mysteries of life.” Forth was embracing possibilities. “I embrace the possibilities and let the universe provide for me.” Fluidity was next. “I release rigidity as I flow with ease into the new.” Finally there was wisdom. “I relax into my place of inner knowing and access the wisdom available to me.”

Giving Thanks For Our Blessings and Receiving Angelic Guidance

Oct. 9, 2020

I was guided to give thanks for our countless blessings. We also took the time to thank our spirit guides and angels for all their continued support. They left us with messages to focus on our blessings, to use your gifts, to enjoy all life has to offer, and to continue to receive abundant blessings.

Enjoy the Energy of the Angels and Other Gifts I Ordered; Enjoy Your Daily Gifts All Around You Too

Oct. 8, 2020

I received some of the angelic and spiritual items I ordered. So I was moved to display them all for you so you can share in my joy as a reminder to share in your joys as well. You’ll also receive healing energy from the crystal angels and the affirmations I read to you from the angels.

Opening Up Gifts and Enjoying Them, Looking Forward to Sharing These Gifts With You

Oct. 7, 2020

I ordered angelic and spiritual items and was guided to share them with you all as a reminder to enjoy all your many gifts in your life, and to help inform you about some of the many services I offer.

Enjoying the Awe-Inspiring Full Moon

Oct. 6, 2020

We took this time to relax, let go and to focus on the full moon. We were reminded of the light it brings and how it always serves as an example of external hope for everyone, as well as completion of all our dreams.

Taking A Relaxing and Purifying Divine Bath

Oct. 5, 2020

We visualized taking a bath in special divine waters full of angelic bubbles of healing light and energy.

Angelic Messages

Oct. 2, 2020

I used a beautiful angel as the background. We connected with the angels and asked them for guidance. They brought us a message of encouragement and asked us to affirm, “I share encouragement and breath hope into the lives of others and my life as well.” They also brought us a message of kindness and asked us to proclaim, “I bless others and myself as I express kindness freely to those around me.” The angels brought us a healing embrace as well, asking us to say, “I extend open arms and embrace others to share peace and unconditional love.” Finally, the angels gave us a message of transition, asking us to say, “I fully embrace life as I open up to change and the tremendous blessings it brings.”

Messages of Wisdom to Help Balance Our Energy Centres

Oct. 1, 2020

​I used my new chakra wisdom oracle deck and asked for the guidance we needed. The angels brought us messages to continue to believe in miracles and to realize we can achieve anything, to continue to pray and have faith, to know that everything will work out in Divine Order through destiny, and to remain balanced.

Ready To Be Of Divine Service To You

Spiritual Healings With The Soul Pilot

Gianni Ubriaco

721 William Ave.

Sudbury, ON.

P3A 4Y1



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