Martin Duguay's rich and evocative artwork in this deck beautifully captures the divinity that surrounds us every day and truly connects us with the magical world of the angels. Oracle of the Angels is infused with light. Its words and images will open the door and pathway to your heart and lead you to a place within you, full of unconditional love and divine wisdom. This deck is an essential and rewarding tool for communicating with the angelic realm and obtaining powerful messages of guidance and love. Simply ask your angels to guide you to the perfect card for you in this moment. Each time you perform a reading, you will tap into new insights and deep wisdom from your angels and benefit from the profound sense of peace that comes from knowing you are always loved and protected.
Boxed kit (5 x 6 3/4) includes a 44-card deck and a 128-page book.
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Ascended Master, Soul Pilot, Spirit Guide, Psychic Advisor, Angel Card Reader, Love Channeller
Light Energy Healer - Reiki Healer Master Teacher, Shamballa Multidimensional Energy Healing
Master Teacher, Karuna Ki Reiki Master, Angel Reiki Master
Shaktipat Energy Healer Master Teacher, Ho'oponpono Energy Healer Master Teacher
Certified as a Master Life Coach, Meditation Instructor,
Natural Process Life Review Conductor,
Past Life Regression Conductor,
Access Consciosness Bars Practioner, as well as A Body Process Practitioner of
Cellular Memory, BMM, MTVSS, Fat Process, and Energetic Facelift
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